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KOL for Freepascal

Using KOL (key objects library) with freepascal.
 -use gluecut on kol.pas
 -use ppDelphi zip package units

KOL for Freepascal 2.0.0 now available! I got a hello world working with freepascal by changing some things in the units, but then I realized someone else, my friend Thaddy, had already done this also. See his package here: KOL for FPC 2.0.0 --L505

(If you are doing manual conversions of KOL.pas and windows.pas in ppDelphi.zip yourself, here are some tips...) Troubleshooting: --- Problem: "identifier not found "user32" Compiler gives this error in the windows.pas file that comes with the windows.pas version shipped inside ppDelphi package. Solution: define a constant such as const user32 = 'user32'; The compiler needs to know what user32 constant or variable is.. and if it isn't defined, it won't know. --- Problem: KOLsysUtils, part of KOLICS package. overloading issues on ALL duplicate functions. "Error: Procedure overloading switched off" Solution: Add the "overload:" keyword explicitly to each function which gives you a compiler error. And, talk to FPC developers to see if this should be a delphi compatibility for {$Delphi Mode} --- Problem: KOLsysUtils, part of KOLICS package. "duplicate identifier" issues, regarding "Format" constant and var throughout the program. This duplicate identifier seems to conflict with the Format() function... So in delphi it may allow you to defind a format constant and function, but in freepascal not so? Solution: Go in and change all "format" constants and "format" variables to "format1". Leave the format() function as format(), but overload it in every instance you see it. Note to self: talk to FPC developers to see if this should be a delphi compatibility for {$Delphi Mode}...i.e. duplicate identifiers are not caught in delphi compiler, and work fine? --- Problem: KOLErr, or err.pas for kol. This file doesn't compile right away. I have a working err.pas file which compiles but needs some work (commented out some Assembly stuff. Solution: Note to self: offer err.pas here for download and let people analyze it. ---

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